Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Beauty of the day!

Good Afternoon everybody! Today we have this fun creation from our featured pastry chef Kim Feledy, she has and AAS in Culinary arts and is a highly experienced cake decorator. The cake is fondant treasure chest, butter creme Treasure map smash cake and pirate cookies, great idea for any kids party!
Enjoy XOXO
ps: If you have any questions about any of the pieces exposed in our page, our you want to contact any of our featured pastry chefs just send us a message an we will answer as soon as we can with all the information.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Citrus Cupcakes Spring Ready!

This recipe is from Martha Stewart's Cupcakes book but I modified for better results. The recipe allows about 24 cupcakes. (para la version en español mira el post que esta debajo de este)

  • 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon coarse salt 
  • 2 cups of oil (moist but the cupcakes will not get tanned) or 4 sticks of butter (tanned cupcakes not as moist) or replace half of the butter for apple sauce (less fat, but rich and tanned cupcakes)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 tablespoon finely grated (lemon, orange and lime) zest (3 tablespoons of each)
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 9 large eggs room temperature

  1. Preheat oven at 325F
  2. In a bowl mix flour and salt
  3. In a mixer cream butter and sugar until fluffy / or if you are using oil and sugar until well mixed /  or  butter, apple sauce and sugar until fluffy
  4. Add citrus zests to the mix
  5. reduce mixer speed to medium and add vanilla
  6. Add eggs, beat until everything is incorporated
  7. Reduce speed to low and add slowly the flour and salt mix until everything is incorporated.
  8. Fill the cupcake pan with the mix,  fill each tin  3/4 full (the mix does not have baking powder then is not going to raise a lot so you have to fill the tins 3/4 full! )
  9. Bake for about 20 minutes until a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean.
  10. pull out the cupcakes from the pan and place them in a cooling rack. let them cool completely before decorating with glaze

Citrus Glaze 

1 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar.
1/4 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

  1. whisk together all ingredients until completely incorporated. place the mix in a decorating bag; poor the glaze over cupcakes tops, garnish with lime zest.
Voila! enjoy! XOXO  

Cupcakes de cítricos, listos para Primavera


3 1/2 pocillos de harina de trigo
1 cucharadita de sal gruesa
2 pocillos de aceite vegetal o si lo prefiere 1 libra de mantequilla sin sal o reemplace la mitad de la matequilla por salsa de manzana (apple sauce)
2 pocillos de azucar granulada
3 cucharadas soperas de rayadura de limo, lima y naranza (tres cucharadas de cada una)
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
9 huevos grandes a temperatura ambiente.

  1. Precaliente el horno a 325 grados F o 165 centigrados 
  2. En un recipiente mezcle la harina y la sal
  3.  En una batidora mezcle la mantequilla y el azucar o  si esta usando el aceite y el azurcar o si esta usando la salsa de manzana y la mantequilla hasta que se integren y se vean cremosos
  4. Adicione a la mezcla la ratadura fresca de lima limon y naranja 
  5. reduzca la velocidad de la batidora a medio y adicione la vainilla
  6. adicione los huenos y siga batiendo hasta que todo se incorpore
  7. Reduzca la velocida a baja y agregue lentament la harina con la sal
  8. coloque los vasitos de papel en el molde para hornear cupcakes, llene cada uno de los orificios 3/4 de la capacidad (como la receta no llega polvo de hornar los cupcakes no va a crecer mucho entonces debe llenarlos 3/4 para que no queden bajitos)
  9. hornee entre 16-20 minutos hasta que los cupcakes crezcan, inserte un palillo o cuchillo a los centros de los pastelitos y si el cuchillo sale limpio estan listos.
  10. Saque los cupcakes del molde y coloquelos en una rejilla a enfriar.
  11. Decore con glaseado de limon cuando esten frios.
Graseado de limon, lima o naranja.

Mezcle 1 1/2 pocillos de azucar en polvo, 1/4 de cucharadita de ralladura de limon o lima o naranja, 3 cucharadas soperas de jugo de su citrico preferido.  Bata la mezcla hasta que todo se incorpore. coloque la mezcla en una manga o bolsa para decorar y decore los cupcakes con el glaseado y rayadura de limon o lima.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ready for Easter (Listos para la pascua!)

Here are some ideas that come from Wilton page and where made by me! enjoy you can find all the egg designs and the instructions at Wilton's page and search  for egg. XOXO

Aqui hay algunas ideas para Pascua! estos huevos vienen de la pagina de Wilton y los decore yo! Tu puedes encontrar todas las ideas para huevos de pascua en la pagina de Wilton buscando el termino egg.  Besos y abrazos!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Because it's Friday!

Hello and happy Friday to every body!!!!
Today because it's Friday I'm posting  from Mike's Amazing Cakes this exquisite creation. And with nothing else to say just enjoy! XOXO

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The beauty of the Day

Good afternoon every body! today I'm posting some of my work, my inspiration this time was Japanese Cherry blossoms, I'm not posting a cake today but I think this sugar piece is lovely too. XOXO 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The beauty of the day

Monday through Thursday we will post for all our friends in Facebook a beautiful cake! They can come from everywhere in the world! We choose them because they look irresistible and exquisite to our eyes. We hope you guys like them too! 

If you want to check all the beauties of the day go here!.

One Cake a Day


Wilton's Sugar Sheets
This section of the gallery is dedicated to Wilton's creations. This are designed by Wilton's Great Head designer and performed by me

Wilton's Petite Fours, Candy and Sugar sheets designed by Wilton performed by Ella.

Wilton's Flower chain Cakes in Sugar Sheets designed by Wilton performed by Ella

Hello world!

Hi everybody!!!
This is my new blog for One Cake a Day, I created this blog because there is a lot if stuff that i can not post in our Facebook page like the tutorials, articles, recipes, news, etc. I hope you guys like it, here you can find the Beauty of the day, The featured decorator, "Because it's Friday", decorators directory and much more! Thanks for visit us XOXO

One Cake a Day